Mint To Be

from $4.00

Peppermint, Ginger, Lavender

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Peppermint, Ginger, Lavender

Peppermint, Ginger, Lavender

A subtly sweet and cooling sensation beneficial for anxiety and inner tension while adding a zesty pick-me-up to any day.

This blend is an anti-inflammatory, a digestive aid, can relieve cramps and spasms, protects brain health and stimulates metabolic rate. 

Ginger contains a plethora of vitamins and minerals essential for the body’s development and normal function such as vitamin C, B6, magnesium, potassium, copper, manganese and fiber.

These can aid with nerve and muscle function, absorption of iron, maintain tissue health and assist in the formation of red blood cells as well as help to maintain brain function. 

Lavender’s soothing sweet presence provides a tonic for the nerves while peppermint’s cure all menthol can alleviate internal distress and spasms.

Together they can reduce inflammation and pain, keep the immune system in check, and provide a deep calming all over while easing anxiety and tension. 

*Steeper Suggestion: a tall, cool glass of peppermint tea will ease inner tension and boost your energy. Try this bountiful blend over some ice for a powerful, mid-day refresher!