The Perfect Rose

from $4.00

Rose Hips, Sage, Marshmallow, Rose Buds

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Rose Hips, Sage, Marshmallow, Rose Buds

Rose Hips, Sage, Marshmallow, Rose Buds

As The Queen of Flowers, roses bring a vital and invigorating combo to the tea party.

A mix of rose hips and rose buds work together in this blend to provide antioxidants, anti-inflammatory, antidepressant, anti-aging, and immune boosting properties.

Sage and marshmallow work together to aid in toning the body and preventing premature aging and decay of cells and tissue.

“From Skin to Spirit, the Perfect Rose

For Young and Old, the Perfect Rose

A Wealth of Health, the Perfect Rose”

This blend works internally and externally to soften areas that are hardened and provide moisture to dry areas as well as relieve inflammation through nutrients such as, iron for the blood, calcium for the bones, keratin for the hair, silica for tissue repair as well as asparagine which can aid in fighting cystitis, strengthen the kidneys and improve bladder complications.

This blend is a tonic for energy, disease protectant, and acts as a powerful rebound from exhaustion and stress.

Let the silky notes sooth your soul and lift your spirits. You will notice how good you feel as you sip! Enjoy hot or iced.

*Steeper Caution: avoid sage if you have epilepsy